5 Tactics To Get More Newsletter Signups

Want more newsletter sign-ups?

Want more newsletter sign-ups?

Check out 5 tactics to improve your newsletter sign-up form and improve conversion. Make sure your web visitors instantly recognise the added value they don't want to miss.


When we think of lead generation campaigns, we rarely think of the newsletter sign-up form.

But if we do happen to forget the importance of newsletters, let’s not forget the incredibly high ROI that email marketing has. On average, emails have an ROI of 3600%, which quickly leads us to realise that newsletters can be a great opportunity to acquire new contacts, who are then gradually warmed up to buy.

So make sure you’re making the most of every opportunity to maximise conversion when signing up to your newsletter and build as large a recipient base as possible.

1. Grab Attention With a Headline

You may have noticed the headlines below or similar headlines on websites asking you to sign up for their newsletter. But that’s all they do. Because they don’t highlight what the newsletter really offers, we tend to skip them.

  • Sign up for the newsletter
  • Receive our newsletter via email
  • Join our newsletter mailing list

So try to grab the attention of the web visitor with the headline on the call to action and pique their interest. In the headline, emphasise the added value they can expect if they subscribe to your newsletter.

2. Why Would Anyone Sign up to Your Newsletter?

Try to go beyond generic answers that do not tell the web user the benefits of your newsletter. Why would they want to subscribe to your newsletter in the first place? What is he missing out on if he ignores your invitation to sign up?

  • Latest news
  • Sales flyers
  • Discounts

Newsletters, discounts and leaflets are simply not enough. Even if that’s what you intend to send, think about how you can present the content of your newsletter in the most attractive way possible.

Whatever you decide to include, keep in mind that you’re writing it in a way that someone will instantly say, “That! I want to receive this in my inbox.”

Don't be shy and say how often you will send newsletters

3. Don't Be Shy and Say How Often You Will Send Newsletters

Online users are quite protective of their inboxes, so they think carefully about who they allow to access it.

But the easiest way to gain trust is to be honest. So feel free to say how often you send newsletters - especially if it's more than twice a week.


4. Underline Trust and Emphasise Security

Although GDPR made our lives a lot harder a few years ago, it reminded us of the importance of protecting personal data. Add a sentence to your form to guarantee that you will treat the data a user shares with you with care.

This can help you to banish the last doubts that may arise for online users.

But don’t just add a generic phrase that users have to tick in order to sign up to your newsletter. Go the extra mile and use a voice that’s recognisable to your brand and familiar to your online visitors, in your own style, to guarantee that the security of their data is your priority.

It’s also a good idea to point out that users can unsubscribe from your newsletter at any time.

5. Choose The Lettering On The Button Carefully Too

All the elements on the newsletter sign-up form actually support a single action – submitting your data by clicking a button. So don’t leave the button caption to chance.

Avoid prompts that create friction and stop the user. These include the following prompts:

  • Subscribe
  • Sign up
  • Submit your details
  • Fill in the form

These are particularly problematic if the rest of the text on the form is also generic and unconvincing.

Rather, choose more light-hearted and polished prompts that will convince the user to trust you with their email without a shadow of a doubt.