Omnisend Marketing Automation


Increase your ROI by 4200%

Are you ready to turn your eCommerce store into a powerhouse of sales and engagement? 🚀 Let's talk about a game-changing tool that can make a world of difference - Email Automation.

Want more newsletter sign-ups?

What is Email Automation?

Think of it as your 24/7 marketing assistant. Email automation lets you send the right message to the right person at the right time – all without lifting a finger.

It's like having a personal shopper for your customers, providing tailored recommendations, updates, and offers that resonate with their interests.

Reporting tool

Why do you need It?

Imagine delighting your customers with personalized product recommendations based on their browsing and purchase history. Picture sending a warm welcome to new subscribers, keeping your brand fresh in their minds.

With email automation, you're nurturing relationships effortlessly, increasing customer loyalty.


Financial Benefits? You Bet!

Here's the exciting part – email automation translates to more sales, higher average order values, and increased customer lifetime value.

The best part? It's all automated. Sit back and watch your revenue grow as your automated campaigns do the heavy lifting.

Save valuable time with
our ready-to-use workflows

We’ve pre-built all the messages, subject lines, and workflow settings, enabling you to launch your campaigns within minutes.
For any adjustments, our user-friendly drag & drop Automation Editor makes it a breeze.

Welcome Series

Greet your new subscribers and convert them into customers with a collection of pre-designed, friendly emails.

Product Abandonment

Engage your subscribers with branded email campaigns and witness your sales soar.

Cart Abandonment

Boost cart recovery rates using our pre-built series of automated email and SMS messages.

Order Confirmation

Instantly send order confirmation SMS or emails with purchase receipts to your customers immediately after their purchase.

Shipping Confirmation

Delight your customers by keeping them informed that their order is on its way.


Boost sales effortlessly with our ecommerce-focused email and SMS marketing automation platform, without adding to your workload.


Ecommerce Automation

Harness the benefits of automation, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new levels of efficiency in your online store.


  • Account setup
  • Website integration
  • Data migration
  • Lead capture
  • Email template design
  • One-step workflows
  • GDPR & CCPA compliant


  • Account setup
  • Website integration
  • Data migration
  • Lead capture
  • Email template design
  • Copywritting
  • One-step workflows
  • Two-step workflows
  • GDPR & CCPA compliant


  • Account setup
  • Website integration
  • Data migration
  • Lead capture
  • Email template design
  • Copywritting
  • One-step workflows
  • Two-step workflows
  • Multi-step workflows
  • Sales & performance reports
  • GDPR & CCPA compliant

Boost your sales effortlessly

Switch to Omnisend and launch your first revenue-driving workflows in minutes.